ImageMagick converts pdf to jpg
It is very popular nowadays to use ImageMagick to convert pdf-files (e.g. mechanical construction drawings) to .jpg images so they can be easily or on-the-fly implemented into a website.
There is a caveat that many people run into: the generated .jpg seems to be a rotated version of the original .pdf file. So people start to find the problem in ImageMagick or in the webserver install, because sometimes this problem is not there on other webservers.
This is NOT a problem of ImageMagick or a problem of the webserver install.
When a pdf is generated, there is the option to add a “rotate” to the pdf-file. Some programs add that rotation by error or by misconfiguration. Some pdf viewers don’t show the rotation. Hence a potential problem is there…
So, the problem lies within the pdf generation. In fact ImageMagick is exactly doing what it is supposed to do.
Whenever you are confronted with this problem, then re-generate the pdf first.